Are you planning on visiting us? Here is what you can expect:
Main worship service
Our main worship service is every Sunday at 10:30 am. Arriving five to ten minutes early will ensure a great seat.
Ample parking available on church grounds.
Ushers are always in the foyer to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
If you need seating assistance, the ushers will be glad to help. Feel free to take any seat in the sanctuary shortly before the service starts.
The main worship service lasts approximately an hour and immediately following we have a Sunday School for children aged 3-14. While the children are in Sunday School, feel free to stay back to meet with us. We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you!
- There is coffee available during the children’s Sunday School and a time for fellowship for the adults.
Sunday School
If you have children, we invite you to bring them with you to the main service at 10:30 am. The children are dismissed at the end of the service to go into the Education wing for a 45 minute Sunday School until approximately 12:10 pm.