As a congregation we are passionate about contributing to our community. Following Christ’s example of meeting the needs of people around us, we look for opportunities to help here in Chilliwack, and across the globe.
Local Community
Here in Chilliwack, you’ll find members of our congregation sharing Christ’s love in a practical way through numerous activities.
Ruth & Naomi’s Mission in downtown Chilliwack is a shelter designed to help the local community who may be struggling with poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental health concerns. They provide a safe, structured and shame-free environment for people to regain their physical, mental, relational and spiritual health. We support the shelter financially as well as cooking a meal there once a month.
Gleaners Society‘s mission statement is “In the name of Christ, to work with volunteers, collecting produce and processing it for distribution to developing countries.” We help them by making dehydrated soup mixes that are sent out across with world.
Operation Christmas Child is another mission we help out with each year before Christmas. We gather shoeboxes filled with gifts, such as toys, hygiene items and school supplies for either boy or girl to be sent across the world to children who may otherwise not receive any other Christmas gift. Samaritan’s Purse also use this opportunity to spread the Gospel to each of the children who receive a shoebox.
We also hold worship services at several long-term care facilities throughout the year.
Kenya Missions Trip
Our congregation supports several churches in Kenya. In March of 2018 we organized a missions trip to help them out.